Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 21 )  Conclusion 

Common Lie: "My faith is just a self-help tool; I don’t really believe in or experience spiritual realities."

As we conclude our devotional series on Ephesians 1, it’s my desire to address a common misconception: the belief that our faith is merely a self-help tool, designed simply to make us feel better but lacking in real spiritual substance. This lie prevents us from seeing our faith as rooted in spiritual realities that are as tangible and impactful as anything we experience in the physical world.

Ephesians 1 reveals that in Christ, we possess every spiritual blessing, including being chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed with the Holy Spirit. These are not abstract concepts; they are realities. The fullness of Christ, who fills all in all, means that He permeates every situation and aspect of our lives with His authority and power. Our faith is not about self-improvement; it is about being transformed by the active, living presence of Christ, who has all authority and power. Recognizing this truth empowers us to depend on Him fully, allowing His power to fill and transform us. Let this truth encourage you to turn to God's Word as the ultimate source of truth, and to be continually empowered by the Holy Spirit as you experience transformation and bring the Kingdom of God into every area of your life.

Scripture Immersion:

  • Reflective Question: In what areas of your life have you regarded your faith as a mere self-help tool rather than recognizing it as a source of spiritual power and reality?

  • Spend time meditating on Ephesians 1:3-23, journaling the specific spiritual blessings that you have in Christ. Reflect on how these blessings manifest in your daily life.

Abba Father, I renounce the lie that my faith is just a self-help tool without true spiritual power. I believe that You are the fullness who fills all in all, and I ask You to fill every aspect of my life with Your presence. I declare that I am blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. I surrender all areas of my life to Your lordship, trusting in Your authority and power to transform me and the world around me. Thank You for the spiritual realities that I have in Christ.  In Jesus’ name, Amen


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 1)


Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 20 )  Christ’s authority