Perhaps Today Part 10
The Bible is the living, active Word of God, inspired to reveal His heart and transform us. Yet, for some, reading the Bible can feel like eating plain, boring food—it may seem dull without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps Today Part 9
Hope deferred makes the heart sick… (Proverbs 13:12). Waiting can feel painful, even discouraging, when hope seems delayed. Sometimes, we feel so worn down by waiting that we stop expecting God to fulfill His promises.
Perhaps Today Part 8
Choosing love doesn’t mean pretending everything is perfect or denying pain. Instead, it’s about shifting our perspective and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Perhaps today 6
“Self” is one of the greatest obstacles to a deep relationship with God. Our selfish nature resists God’s authority, seeks glory, clings to comfort, and thrives on worry and control.
Perhaps Today Part 7
Wrestling may look messy, but in those moments of vulnerability and authenticity, God revealed Himself in a personal and powerful way.
Perhaps Today Part 5
Throughout Scripture, we see how encountering Jesus brought immediate change. The apostles experienced radical transformation.
Perhaps Today Part 4
"Perhaps Today" reminds us that every moment is an opportunity to glorify God. Even in the smallest things—a moment of prayer, worship, or quiet meditation—we can draw closer to Him. Outwardly
Perhaps today Part 3
This verse reminds us to stop dwelling on what was and focus on what God is doing TODAY. When we hold on to past mistakes, hurts, or failures, they trap us and keep us from moving forward.
Perhaps Today Part 2
Perhaps today, God will show up in ways you never expected. This mindset is powerful because it builds faith and expectation, reminding us that God’s power is always at work.
Perhaps Today Part 1
The Bible is filled with prophecies about Jesus’ second coming, more than His first coming. His return is certain, though the timing is uncertain. Jesus told us He would come like a thief in the night unexpectedly.
Perhaps Today Introduction
This reality reminds us to live intentionally, with an eternal perspective, making the most of every moment.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment, Part 11: Conclusion – Freedom from Law
But the good news is this: Jesus came to set us free from the yoke of slavery to the law. When we step into the Spirit, we experience the freedom of God’s grace. The key is to recognize these strongholds, repent, renounce agreement with the lies, and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with mercy and grace.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment – Part 10 Self-perception
We are often our harshest critics. We fixate on flaws, compare ourselves to others, and replay past mistakes. This self-judgment distorts our identity, limits faith, and hinders our calling.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment, Part 9: Mercy as a Commandment
When we fixate on others’ wrongs while forgetting how God has forgiven us of 10,000 talents, we step outside of alignment with His nature and lose the freedom mercy brings.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment Part 8: The Ultimate Gift of Mercy
Through the Holy Spirit, the gift of Jesus continues in us today. The Spirit gives us the spiritual gift of mercy, enabling us to empathize with others, walk with them in their suffering, and extend forgiveness and kindness.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment, Part 7 – The Mirror of Mercy
The mirror of God’s mercy reflects truth in love, helping us see ourselves and others clearly. When we look into the Word of God—the ultimate mirror—it reveals both our flaws and our worth at the same time. Yet this reflection invites transformation without condemnation.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment, Part 6 – Celebration Mercy
The father’s response to the older son is a great example of God’s mercy. Instead of rebuking the older son for his anger and judgmentalism, the father gently affirms his identity: "Son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours."
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment – Part 5: Mercy Brings a New Chance
The story of Peter’s restoration reveals the transformative power of Jesus’ mercy. Jesus had every right to condemn Peter, to call him unworthy to be his disciples. But mercy triumphed over judgment, as Jesus extended mercy and restored Peter to become one of His greatest disciples.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment Part 4: Empathy vs. Apathy
Mercy begins with compassion, a deep, gut-wrenching empathy that moves us to action. The Samaritan didn’t just feel bad for the man—he acknowledged his pain and took steps to help. This is the essence of mercy: entering into others’ struggles to bring relief and comfort.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment: Part 3 - Relentless Mercy
When Jonah finally delivered God’s message, Nineveh repented, and God relented. The Hebrew word נָחַם (nacham), meaning “relents,” reveals God’s compassionate response to repentance.