Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series Part 7 
Christine So Christine So

Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series Part 7 

For those who struggle with self-worth and emotional processing, addressing these "little foxes" can be particularly challenging. We may avoid difficult conversations out of fear or to avoid further conflict, hoping the issues will resolve themselves.

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Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series: Part 6
Christine So Christine So

Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series: Part 6

Change requires willful decisions, and often, the hardest part is taking that first step. We are called to rise above our circumstances, to leave behind what no longer serves us, and to step into a life filled with God's affirmation and destiny.

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Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 3)
Christine So Christine So

Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 3)

The rose of Sharon is a flower that grows in the wild, and the lily of the valleys flourishes in low places. These are not grand or exotic flowers, yet they are beautiful in their natural habitat. Their beauty is not tied to their location but to their inherent qualities.

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Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 1)
Christine So Christine So

Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 1)

In this new series on Song of Songs, we will explore heart matters related to our identity and emotional needs. This book, often known for its depiction of romance, also offers wisdom on emotional expression and communication.

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Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 21 )  Conclusion 
Christine So Christine So

Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 21 )  Conclusion 

As we conclude our devotional series on Ephesians 1, it’s my desire to address a common misconception: the belief that our faith is merely a self-help tool, designed simply to make us feel better but lacking in real spiritual substance.

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Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 17) Great Power
Christine So Christine So

Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 17) Great Power

A common lie that many of us struggle with is the belief that our problems are too big, too complex, and too overwhelming for even God to handle. This mindset often leads to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and spiritual paralysis.

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Debunk Lies with Ephesians 1 Part 16 The Light We Need 
Christine So Christine So

Debunk Lies with Ephesians 1 Part 16 The Light We Need 

It’s a tough and lonely place to feel like you have to figure out life on your own. This common lie can lead to frustration, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed. However, Ephesians 1:18 offers a profound truth that debunks this misconception.

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