Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 1)

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—for your love is better than wine."Song of Songs 1:2

Heart Matter:The desire to be loved and deeply connected

In this new series on Song of Songs, we will explore heart matters related to our identity and emotional needs. This book, often known for its depiction of romance, also offers wisdom on emotional expression and communication.

The first verse sets the tone with a passionate and evocative statement: "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth." This intense expression of longing and desire emphasizes the importance of honest emotional expression. In traditional Asian cultures, the need for love and the desire for deep connections are often suppressed. However, this opening verse serves as God’s validation of our human need for closeness and intimacy. The verse compares love to wine, saying it is "better than wine," suggesting that the joy derived from love and connection surpasses any earthly pleasure.

The Shulammite woman’s emotional honesty in Song of Songs is a powerful example for us. Her openness is crucial not only in her relationship with her beloved but also in our relationships with others and with God. This verse confirms that our need for love and deep connection is both natural and God-given. Let's deep dive journey through Song of Songs.

Heart Application:

Find someone you trust and practice being open and honest about your feelings. See how this deep sharing can build connection and prevent misunderstandings.


Lord, thank You for creating us with the need for love and deep connections. Help us to be honest in our relationships, both with others and with You. Teach us to express our emotions freely, knowing that You validate our need to be loved. May we find comfort and joy in Your love, which is better than any earthly pleasure. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series Part 2


Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 21 )  Conclusion