Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 20 )  Christ’s authority

"And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,"Ephesians 1:22 (ESV):

Common Lie: The Church is just a human institution, and I am not subject to anyone’s authority.

Ephesians 1:22 reveals a profound truth that counters the lie that the church is merely a human organization and that believers are not subject to any authority. This verse declares that God has placed all things under Christ's feet, signifying His absolute dominion over all creation. More importantly, it emphasizes that Christ is the head over all things concerning the church. The Greek word for "head" (kephalē) not only denotes authority but also source, indicating that the church derives its life and direction directly from Christ, not from human traditions or organizational structures.

This divine order, established by God, places Christ as the head, reminding us that the church is not just a gathering of people but the living body of Christ. Just as a body is directed by its head, the church is directed by Christ. Submission to this divine order, including church leadership, is not a sign of retriction but rather an alignment with God's purposes for our benefit. When we submit to the godly authority that Christ has established within the church, we are, in fact, submitting to Christ Himself. Rejecting this submission leads to chaos, disunity, spiritual isolation, and vulnerability, while embracing it empowers us to operate in the fullness of the authority that God has given us.

An example of this principle is found in Matthew 8, where the centurion understood the importance of authority, recognizing that his power was effective because he was under authority. Similarly, our spiritual authority as believers is effective when we are under Christ's authority, as demonstrated through our submission to the church’s leadership.

Scripture Immersion:

Reflect on your attitudes toward submission and leadership in the church. How does this verse reshape your understanding of Christ’s Lordship and the divine order He has established? 


Abba Father, I acknowledge that Jesus is the head of all things, including the church, and I yield my spirit to submit to the leadership You have placed over me. Guide me to walk in obedience, trust, and alignment with Your purpose. I declare today that I am under the authority of Christ, and through this submission, I am able to exercise spiritual authority. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 21 )  Conclusion 


Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 19 )  The real battles