Understanding Being Born Again
In John 3, Nicodemus struggles to grasp the concept of being "born again." Jesus explains this spiritual rebirth not in terms of human logic or intellectual comprehension but as something mysterious, akin to the wind: felt but unseen. You cannot see the wind, but you know it is there. This conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus unfolds the truth that entry into God's kingdom requires a rebirth of the spirit.
Jesus uses the imagery of Moses lifting the serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14-15) to prefigure His own death, emphasizing that just as looking upon the serpent brought physical healing, so too does looking to Him in faith bring eternal life. This concept precedes the most famous verse, John 3:16, which reveals the essence of being born again: it is through believing in the love of God, demonstrated through the giving of His only Son, that we gain eternal life and experience being born again.
"What is your understanding of being 'born again,' and do you have any struggles believing that God loves you and sent His only Son for you?
Prayer and Declaration:
Abba Father, we stand in awe of Your unconditional love, as declared in John 3:16. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who was lifted up on the cross so that we might be lifted from death to life. I invite Your Holy Spirit to move like the wind in my life, renewing and transforming me. Help me to not only know about Jesus intellectually but to truly experience and believe in Him with all my heart. . Thank you, Lord, for the promise of eternal life to all who believe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.