The Farewell Prayer Part 2

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. John 17:17

In this Farewell Prayer, Jesus prays specifically for the sanctification of His disciples. Sanctification is a process of being set apart for God's purposes, purified, and made holy through the truth of God's Word.

Facing His imminent departure, Jesus emphasizes the essential role of truth in this transformation for His disciples. This transformation involves a deep, life-changing encounter with God’s truth that molds our character and guides our actions, with the Holy Spirit illuminating His Truth.

Jesus’ prayer extends beyond His original disciples to all believers, calling us to embrace and live out the truth of the Word. As we dive deeply into the Bible, we are not merely informed but transformed, renewing our minds so that we may know God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Reflection Question:

How can you engage more deeply with Scripture to allow God’s truth to sanctify and transform your daily life?


Abba Father, sanctify us in Your truth; Your Word is the truth. Help us not only to read Your Word but to live by it, allowing it to permeate our hearts, thoughts, and actions. May Your Holy Spirit guide us into all truth, setting us apart for Your divine purposes. We are meant to be different in this world, and help us not to compromise Your Truth. As we navigate the challenges and choices of our daily lives, let us do so as reflections of Your love and righteousness. We declare that our minds are being transformed by Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The Farewell Prayer Part 3


The Farewell Prayer Part 1