The Farewell Prayer Part 1

"I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do." John 17:4

Before His arrest, Jesus offers the longest prayer ever recorded in the New Testament, often called the High Priestly or Farewell Prayer. This prayer, found in John 17, begins with Jesus praying for Himself, specifically in verses 1-5. Here, He reflects on His mission and the completion of the work God entrusted to Him.

In John 17:4, Jesus states, 'I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.' This declaration is not only about the end of a task but is deeply rooted in the glorification of God through obedience, even unto suffering to the point of death. Jesus' life and impending death are for the glory of God, demonstrating perfect submission and accomplishment of God’s will.

For today's Christians, this verse calls us to reflect on how we are completing the work God has given us. It challenges us to live lives that glorify God through obedience and faithfulness. In our daily tasks, whether big or small, are we conscious of God’s purpose? Like Jesus, our ultimate goal should be to glorify God in all that we do, completing our God-given tasks with diligence and faith.

Reflection Question:
How can you more fully embrace the work God has entrusted to you, using your daily activities as opportunities to glorify Him?

Abba Father, as Jesus glorified You on the earth and completed the work You gave Him, empower me to follow His example. Let my life reflect Your glory through my actions, words, and thoughts. Help me to recognize the tasks You have set before me and complete them with a heart full of faith and obedience. May my daily walk be a testament to Your enduring grace and purpose.  I declare that my life will honor You and that I will rely on the Spirit to finish the work You have assigned to me. In Jesus’ name,  Amen.


The Farewell Prayer Part 2


Fullness of Joy