The Words of Proverbs 31 (Part 22) - Conclusion
Christine So Christine So

The Words of Proverbs 31 (Part 22) - Conclusion

The key verse today sums up the biblical principle that diligent and faithful work leads to blessings. "And let her works praise her in the gates" suggests that her contributions will be acknowledged and honored, especially in the spiritual realm.

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The Words of Proverbs 31 (Part 20): Affirmation
Christine So Christine So

The Words of Proverbs 31 (Part 20): Affirmation

In Proverbs 31:29, we hear the voice of a husband’s praise, recognizing and affirming the exceptional qualities of his wife. This isn’t about competition or comparison; rather, it’s about unique fulfillment in one's role.

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The Words of Proverbs (Part 19): Familial Respect
Christine So Christine So

The Words of Proverbs (Part 19): Familial Respect

Explore the profound message of Proverbs 31:28, highlighting the virtues of a woman honored by her family. Learn how her children and husband 'arise,' 'call her blessed,' and 'praise' her, embodying familial respect and honor.

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 The Words of Proverbs (Part 18): Prudence and Industriousness
Christine So Christine So

The Words of Proverbs (Part 18): Prudence and Industriousness

Prudence is about making the right choices at the right time. It involves deliberation, setting goals, and preparing for future needs. This virtue is strongly embodied in the Proverbs 31 woman as she manages her responsibilities and resources with thoughtfulness and strategic planning.

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The Words of Proverbs (Part 17) Wisdom and Kindness
Christine So Christine So

The Words of Proverbs (Part 17) Wisdom and Kindness

"Kindness" (חֶסֶד, "hesed") represents the very heart of God's character. Kindness is not merely about being polite; it involves ensuring that our hearts and speech reflect the merciful, inherently good nature of God towards man.

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Clothed in Strength and Dignity
Christine So Christine So

Clothed in Strength and Dignity

The Hebrew word for dignity, חָדַר (hadar), signifies splendor, glory, and majesty—attributes that define our identity in Christ.

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The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 15) - Maximization
Christine So Christine So

The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 15) - Maximization

This verse, however, is beyond business dealings. It teaches us to make the most of our resources in every area—managing households, advancing careers, pursuing personal goals, or conducting ministries.

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