Knowing Your Worth: Song of Songs Series (Part 8)

The watchmen found me as they went about in the city. “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”
Song of Songs 3:3 Song of Songs 3:3 (Read 3:1-5)

Heart Matter: Remaining passive when it comes to love and desires.

Song of Songs beautifully affirms that it’s natural to have desires and longings, whether for love, connection, or fulfillment. These desires are part of our emotional core, but what matters most is how we respond to them. In verse 2, the bride makes a proactive decision to rise from her bed and seek her beloved. This act of rising reflects courage and determination, qualities necessary to pursue love, healthier relationships, or personal dreams.

However, when remaining passive—just as the bride initially lies in bed with unfulfilled desires. But passivity holds us back. Whether it’s addressing emotional wounds or seeking deeper love, it’s crucial to take active steps. The bride ventures into the city, even though she doesn’t find her beloved right away. Her persistence is rewarded when she eventually finds him, holds him tightly, and brings him to a place of safety and intimacy.

This teaches us that we must hold onto what aligns with our values and emotional needs. However, verse 5 reminds us again not to "stir up or awaken love until it pleases," teaching us the balance between determination and patience. Discernment is key; we must not act out of desperation, but from a place of trust in God’s timing. Ultimately, our deepest desires can only be fulfilled in God, who guides us toward the love and fulfillment He has prepared for us.

Heart Application:
Take a moment to reflect on your unfulfilled desires. Are there areas in your life where you’ve been passive? How do you seek the Lord spiritually in these areas? Spend time in prayer asking God what steps you need to take, and listen for His guidance.

Short Prayer:
Abba Father, help me to rise from passivity and take courageous steps toward the desires You’ve placed in my heart. Give me the determination to persist, but also the patience to trust Your timing. Guide me in Your love, and lead me toward Your perfect will. Amen.


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 9) 


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series Part 7