God’s Pie: Offering Our Firstfruits

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; Proverbs 3:9

Imagine your father visits your home, bringing a delicious pie as a gift. Instead of sharing this pie with him, you give it away to friends, leaving none for the one who brought it. This metaphor reflects our relationship with God, who is the source of all blessings. Just as it would be fitting to offer the first slice of the pie to your father, so it is with God. We are called to honor Him by giving the first and best portions of what we receive. This practice, known as offering the firstfruits, isn't about giving God our leftovers but making Him our priority. It’s a posture of the heart that recognizes God as the source of all blessings and commits to honoring Him with those blessings.

How can you practice giving the firstfruits in your daily life to truly honor God as the source of all your blessings?

Heavenly Father, we come before You today to give thanks for Your abundant provision and care. We recognize that every good gift comes from You, and we desire to honor You by offering the first and best of what we receive. Help us to not withhold anything but to joyfully give back into Your kingdom, becoming cheerful givers who delight in Your glory. Lord, let our giving be a true act of worship and gratitude, reflecting our trust and dependence on You. We declare that You are the source of all our blessings, and we commit to honor You with all that we have. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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