Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 17) Great Power

"...and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might..." Ephesians 1:19 (ESV) -

Common Lie: "My problems are too big; I feel powerless, and I don’t think God can handle them.

A common lie that many of us struggle with is the belief that our problems are too big, too complex, and too overwhelming for even God to handle. This mindset often leads to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and spiritual paralysis. But Ephesians 1:19 powerfully debunks this lie.

The verse begins by describing the "immeasurable greatness" of God's power. This truth is foundational: God’s power is so vast that it cannot be measured. If we don’t believe in the greatness of His power, we’re likely to rely on our human strength, missing out on the full scope of what God can do.

When you face overwhelming challenges—whether it’s a broken relationship, health issues, or financial struggles—remember that God’s power is at work in you. Ephesians 1:19 reveals four types of power that help you overcome any difficulty:

  1. Dynamis (power): God’s power is already available to you. It’s greater than any problem you face.

  2. Energeia (working): Even when you can’t see it, God is actively working in your situation.

  3. Kratos (might): God’s sovereign authority is above every crisis. He’s in control, even over your toughest struggles.

  4. Ischus (strength): God provides the strength you need to take the necessary steps to overcome your challenges.

With these truths in mind, shift your perspective. Your situation is not hopeless; it’s an opportunity for God to demonstrate His immeasurable greatness. By leaning into God’s power, you can move from fear and defeat to faith and victory, believing that no problem is too big for our God.

Scripture Immersion:

Take a moment to honestly evaluate the problems in your life that feel overwhelming. How can God’s power help you change your perspective? Reflect on each power and journal how it can be applied to your specific situation.

Prayer and Affirmation:

Abba Father, I renounce the lie that my problems are too big for You. I proclaim that Your power, as revealed in Ephesians 1:19, is immeasurable and mighty. Thank You for being greater than my fears, for actively working in my life, for having authority over every situation, and for providing me with the strength to overcome. I praise You, Lord, for Your greatness and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Debunking the Lie with Ephesians (Part 18) Power that Awakens


Debunk Lies with Ephesians 1 Part 16 The Light We Need