Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 14 Constant prayer for others

"I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:16

Common Lie: "It's enough to pray only occasionally and solely for oneself, thinking, 'God is in control and knows everything, so why bother praying for others?'"

In Ephesians 1:16, Paul demonstrates the importance of persistent prayer, not just for personal needs but for others as well. He continually thanks God, remembering the Ephesians in his prayers. This reflects a deep love and commitment to the well-being of others. Just as Jesus, our intercessor, prayed for Peter's faith (Luke 22:32), Paul shows us that our prayers should be unceasing, intercessory, and filled with thanksgiving. This verse challenges the misconception that occasional or self-focused prayer is sufficient. The verse brings up the power of prayer as a tool to partner with God, bringing His kingdom to Earth. Most importantly, the more we engage in constant prayer for others, the more we will change and align with God’s heart. 

Paul’s example isn't about compulsory prayer but a Spirit-led desire to stay connected with God and to support others through prayer. It invites us to open our hearts, recognizing that through ther power of prayer, we can strengthen unity and encourage spiritual growth in oursevles and others.

Scripture Immersion:

Take some quiet time to reflect on who in your life might need prayer. Write down their names and think about specific ways you can pray for them. Consider starting a prayer list to help you remember to pray consistently for these individuals.


Abba Father, thank You for the gift of prayer and the example set by Jesus. Help us to cultivate a heart of constant prayer, focusing not only on our needs but also on the needs of others. Teach us the joy and power of intercessory prayer. May our prayers be filled with thanksgiving and reflect Your heart to see our growth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Debunk Lies with Ephesians (Part 15)Knowing God Firsthand


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 13 Grow in Faith and Love