Restoring father's love (Part 3)

And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14

Fathers are the greatest source of approval for their children and they can establish the identity and purpose of their children. Fatherhood also includes providing guidance and presence so that children are prepared to cope with life's challenges and feel safe no matter what happens. 

Moreover, God is a God of order, and He designs and commissions fathers to lead households. It is a leader's responsibility to initiate and provide a role model for the children, and every child is created to follow their parents. As infants, we need parents to teach us how to walk, talk, and care for ourselves. In our later years, we need guidance from our parents regarding our life choices, as well as life skills such as etiquette, handling money and discipline.  

According to the Bible, fathers discipline their children as a sign of love. (Hebrew 12:6) Children need their father's tough love to offer correction and rebuke in order to help them grow and mature. Good fathers can also set good boundaries to keep the good in and the bad out. In a sense, fathers can provide guidance by saying things like, "Keep it, it's good for you." or "No.\ Stay away from it." Fathers can provide wise counsel on how to start and finish well, especially in career and relationships. In this way, it brings clarity to children's lives.

Furthermore, fathers' presence provides a protective cover for their children. Not only physically, a good father can provide a safe emotional environment. I would like to specifically acknowledge and thank my brother who provided incredible support and presence in my life. He is like a rock that always has my back. Most importantly, he gives me an emotionally safe environment where I can turn to him when I am in trouble or feeling low, and he never condemns me, but he makes me feel valued no matter what I do. Thanks to God, I have a loving brother who compensates for the loss of my father by providing incredible support, especially emotionally.  It is important for children to have a father who is physically present and emotionally safe. 

As God Himself reveals His fatherhood, His father's love will also be demonstrated through other people. I invite you to have a new perspective to see our heavenly father who longs to affirm us, guide us, and protect us. His presence never leaves us. As we have been adopted into His new family, like a poor kid suddenly adopted by a billionaire, we need to relearn and adapt to the new thinking about how to be God's sons and daughters and call Him Abba Father! 

Blessing prayer: As we abide in your presence, we are open to your guidance and counsel. Nothing can separate us from your father's love because we are your children In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Romans 8: The Father's letter 


Restoring father's love (Part 2)